Instrumentation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Instrumentation
As noun : बाजे पर गाने के लिये गीत का प्रबन्ध Ex:  Yanini gave instrumentation in an applauding way.
यंत्र विन्यास Ex:  Early ballet was accompanied by considerable instrumentation वाद्य संगीत विन्यास Ex:  The house music of Space and The KLF involved much original instrumentation वाद्यसंगीत विन्यास Ex:  The instrumentation was funkier
Instrumentation synonyms
instrument apparatus fashion process agent course manner measure gimmick avenue auspices paraphernalia agency system mechanism equipment tactic vehicle intermediary channel mode dodge medium power factor technique step organization path ministry route trick machinery expedient aid road instrumentality modus operandi ways and means stepping-stone
Instrumentation antonyms
ignorance disorganization blockage
Usage of Instrumentation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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