Insulate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Insulate
As verb : आवरण चढाना
आवरण चढ़ाना टापू बनाना प्रतिवार बचाना बिलगाना रोधन करना
Other : अलग करना Ex:  This material is used to insulate the fields of developing compost.
Insulate ki paribhasha : prathak ya spasht roop se dikhaayi dena aapatti ya kasht men na padne dena
Insulate synonyms
shield seclude isolate sequester cushion wrap separate coat tape treat cocoon inlay line cut off island keep apart set apart
Insulate antonyms
uncover join mingle
Usage of Insulate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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