Insure meaning in hindi
As noun : आसादन Ex:  We should insure against accidents.
जिहान Ex:  I will insure against all risks . परिगम प्राप्त करना लाति लाधनापु समासादन
As verb : आगोपन करना Ex:  to insure the continued success of the war दिआवना दिलाना द्यावनापु निश्चत करना निश्चित कर लेना बीमा करना बीमा करना[कराना बीमा कराना बीमे से सुरक्षित करना सुरक्षित करना
Insure ki paribhasha : doosare ko dene men pravratt karana
ExamplesInsure synonyms
underwrite shield cover assure hedge safeguard guarantee indemnify register warrant cinch Insure antonyms
endanger uncover lay bare Usage of Insure in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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