Intangible meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Intangible
As noun : अप्रत्यक्ष संपत्ति Ex:  Some types of intangible property included: bonds
अमूरत Ex:  There were also indirect and intangible costs of the eruption. अमूर्त Ex:  All rights are intangible उ:   पृथ्वी, जल, और अग्नि उसी के मूर्त एवं वायु तथा आकाश अमूर्त रूप हैं। अमूर्तीक Ex:  An invisible force, intangible
As adjective : अटटोल Ex:  Connecticut does not levy an intangible personal property tax. अमूझा Ex:  New Jersey does not assess an intangible personal property tax अस्पर्शी Ex:  intangible Principles अस्पष्ट Ex:  The intangible forms उ:   हर समय प्रक्रिया को अस्पष्ट रखा गया। अस्पृश्य गोमगा छायावेष्टित जो स्पर्श से जान न पडे जो स्पर्श से जान न पड़े धुमैली म्लिष्ट विजल्पित संदिग्घ स्पर्शागम्य
Intangible synonyms
unreal ethereal hypothetical slight abstract impalpable imponderable abstruse airy dim elusive evanescent evasive imperceptible incorporeal indeterminate insensible invisible rare shadowy slender uncertain unsubstantial unsure vague inappreciable unobservable eluding evading unapparent
Intangible antonyms
factual real obvious perceptible tangible definite palpable
Usage of Intangible in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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