Intelligible meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Intelligible
As noun : समझ में आने लायक Ex:  It means figuratively Making more intelligible
As adjective :
बोधनीय Ex:  As a result, Spanish and Italian are mutually intelligible to various degrees. समझी जाने वाली Ex:  Plato's ideas are an intelligible world सुबोगम्य Ex:  The intelligible philosophy Alexandrian
Other : पठनीय Ex:  Formant-synthesized speech can be reliably intelligible उ:   इन स्मारकों पर अंकित शिलालेख पठनीय नहीं है। बुद्धि गम्य Ex:  Ido is largely intelligible to those who have studied Esperanto बोधगम्य Ex:  Only the words "Thomas Jefferson" were clearly intelligible among his last समझ में आने योग्य Ex:  It also means figuratively Making Net, intelligible साफ Ex:  Sounds distinct and intelligible उ:   यहां की सडअकें चौड़ी और साफ थीं। सुगम Ex:  Term significant, expressive, clear, intelligible उ:   गढवा रेल एवं सडक द्वारा भारत के बाकी हिस्सों से सुगम संपर्क में है। सुबोध Ex:  This author is not intelligible उ:   भाषा यथासंभव सरल, सरस, सुबोध हो। सुस्पष्ट Ex:  This passage is highly intelligible स्पष्ट Ex:  Degré where one thing or idea is intelligible उ:   " एक स्पष्ट प्रतिक्रिया देने से मना कर दिया था।
Intelligible ki paribhasha : jyotish men grahon ka sphutasaadhan jisase yah jaana jaata hai ki janm ke samay athava kisi aur vishisht kaal men kaun sa grah kis raashi ke kitane ansha, kitani kala aur kitani vikala men tha bina kisi prakaar ke dosha, kalnk ya apavaad aadi ke jo koi baat sahaj men samajh sake
Intelligible synonyms
comprehensible clear distinct knowable lucid luminous obvious open plain unambiguous unequivocal unmistakable fathomable apprehensible graspable
Intelligible antonyms
ambiguous confusing equivocal perplexing unintelligible obscure
Usage of Intelligible in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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