Interested meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Interested
As verb : अन्ववसित Ex:  an interested audience
अभिरक्त Ex:  Pornographers are only interested in making maoney. परामृष्ट Ex:  I'm not interested in your games . पसंदोदगी Ex:  "Mogambo had three things that interested me. रुचि Ex:  Pound became interested in music उ:   रुचि प्रजापति की कन्या का नाम दक्षिणा था। वाबस्ता Ex:  He was always interested in science. संपृक्त Ex:  Vishniac was very interested in history, especially that of his ancestors. संबद्ध Ex:  Camus was interested in how we experience the Absurd and how we live with it. उ:   जो विष-ग्रंथि से संबद्ध रहता है। ससंग Ex:  "What interested me most was how she gave the runs and the cadenzas words. स्वार्थनिहित Ex:  Whether or not Wollstonecraft was interested in marriage
As adjective : अभिरुचित Ex:  He is interested in doing all the things. आकृष्ट Ex:  He is interested in playing solitaire. उ:   ज्ञानमीमांसा ने आधुनिक काल में विचारकों का ध्यान आकृष्ट किया। दिलचस्पी लेने वाला Ex:  Im interested in academia. दिलचस्पी Ex:  He is interested in playing snakes and ladders. उ:   शिक्षा में वच्चे कम दिलचस्पी लेते हैं ,। रुचि रखनेवाला Ex:  Around this time, Jinnah also became interested in politics. हितपरायण Ex:  Rockets have interested scientists and amateurs for centuries. हितबद्ध Ex:  In his youth, Prince Bhumibol was greatly interested in firearms.
Other : तरफदार Ex:  Tantrik yogis are interested in ghouls. सम्बद्ध Ex:  The CIA has long been interested in Castro's health. उ:   यह कोलकाता विश्वविद्यालय से सम्बद्ध है। हितार्थी Ex:  Siegel commenting that "If you're interested in what made Superman what it is
Interested ki paribhasha : bina uchit anuchit ke vichaar ke kisi ke anukool pravratt honevaala doosaron ka bhala ya kalyaan chaahanevaala kaamashaastr ke anusaar ek prakaar ka aalingan jisamen naayika naayak ke saamane usake ghutane par baithakar use gale se lagaate hai
Interested synonyms
sympathetic obsessed keen involved engrossed responsive absorbed implicated attentive excited gone fired moved predisposed open impressed occupied fascinated hooked stimulated touched taken drawn struck biased affected sold prejudiced inspired caught intent into partial partisan attracted enticed inspirited stirred lured roused awakened eat sleep and breathe on the case
Interested antonyms
uncaring unconcerned indifferent uninterested ignorant bored disinterested inattentive ok impartial unbiased apathetic unenthusiastic unmoved fair incurious
Usage of Interested in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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