Interesting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Interesting
As noun : दिलचस्प Ex:  It was a very interesting miniseries. उ:   कुछ रोचक, कुछ प्रेरक में दिलचस्प और प्रेरक कथाएं कही गई हैं।
As verb :
मनोरंजक Ex:  pathologically interesting results उ:   उनसे मिलने की भी एक मनोरंजक घटना है। मनोरम Ex:  this is scientifically interesting उ:   हरे-भरे वृक्षों से घिरा यह बीच एक मनोरम स्थान है। मनोरवा ‡पु० Ex:  Journalists are an interesting race.
As adjective : दिल बदलाऊ Ex:  less interesting मन लगाने वाला Ex:  Geology is an interesting subject. रूचिकर Ex:  In more interesting cases उ:   कैमूर का इतिहास काफी प्राचीन और रूचिकर है। रोचक Ex:  This was interesting to me". उ:   यह भी एक रोचक किस्सा है।
Other : चित्ताकर्षक Ex:  Electronics is an interesting subject. मज़ेदार Ex:  terribly interesting रुचिकर Ex:  graphically interesting designs लच्छेदार Ex:  The analogies in the dialogues are as interesting as the arguments उ:   इसका लच्छेदार फूल सफेद या कुछ नीलापन लिए सफेद होता है।
Interesting ki paribhasha : ek snkar rog ka naam jo gauri, maarava aur trivan ke milane se bana hai jisaka svabhaav aamod pramod karane ka ho man ko prasann ya aahvaadit karanevaala ek prakaar ki grnthiparni jise naipaal men bhandeur kahate hain
Interesting synonyms
beautiful attractive intriguing lovely provocative fascinating striking refreshing exotic readable unusual engaging delightful thought-provoking compelling amusing alluring curious pleasing stimulating impressive prepossessing gripping inviting absorbing winning arresting riveting engrossing enthralling affecting entrancing fine stirring enchanting charismatic elegant exceptional gracious magnetic pleasurable suspicious captivating
Interesting antonyms
disgusting repulsive unattractive boring usual unexciting homely ugly unimpressive familiar normal ordinary disenchanting repellent dull unstimulating
Usage of Interesting in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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