Interior meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Interior
As noun : अंतस्थ- Ex:  Ergonomics is now an important consideration for office interior designers so as to make the working environment comfortable and productive.
अन्दर का Ex:  The interior of salar jung museum needs attention. आंतरिक Ex:  The interior of the building was no less ornate उ:   इस के अनुसार परमात्मा का ध्यान आंतरिक होता है। आन्तर Ex:  Due to its location in the interior United States आभ्य‌ंतर Ex:  It is thought that as the planet’s interior cooled औड़ा Ex:  The 140 rooms open to the public are part of an interior घरेलू मामला Ex:  The interior of South Africa is a vast जमीनदोज Ex:  The interior is savanna, and the coastline is swampy plain. तटवर्ती Ex:  DDT-spraying the interior walls of living spaces उ:   इसमें मुख्यत महाराष्ट्र का तटवर्ती भाग शामिल है। भीतर Ex:  Much of the interior of Florida उ:   ग्रीन पर्वत राज्य के भीतर हैं। माहिँ Ex:  The interior of the Earth
As adjective : अंतः Ex:  An interior decor adds beauty to the house. उ:   इसका अंतः कंकाल हड्डियों का बना होता है। अंतरंग Ex:  courses in interior design were rare and undeveloped उ:   ये मंत्री एक प्रकार से अंतरंग मंत्रिमंडल के सदस्य थे। अंतर्वती Ex:  He works for the company as an interior designer. अंतास्थित Ex:  Reema told the interior decorator that she would not prefer a prosaic decoration for her room. अंदजरुनी Ex:  an interior decorator must understand lighting अबाह्य Ex:  The tasteful interior of the house is very relaxing. अभ्यंतज Ex:  The interior of Santo Spirito expresses a new sense of light आंतर Ex:  The chase originated in the interior of New South Wales. आंतरीय Ex:  Mussolini personally took over the ministries of the interior आंतारिक Ex:  An impressive building with brilliant blue dome and ornate interior . दरूनी Ex:  Earth's interior remains active भीतरी Ex:  The interior of the northern half of the peninsula also has several MSAs उ:   इनका भीतरी क्रोड प्रभंजन पवन का होता है। माँहिलापु Ex:  Both would feature an interior based on the 777's signature architecture. माहिँला Ex:  Arizona, June 11, 1949, she married Larry Williams, interior decorator. सविश्रंभ Ex:  The interior contains works of several masters अंतःस्थ
Other : अभ्यंतर Ex:  The interior of the church continued the Palladian theme. अभ्यन्तर Ex:  Visitors can hike into the interior rooms on their own via the natural entrance आन्तरिक Ex:  Brian Anderson remained behind, caught between the exterior and interior doors. उ:   अपना आन्तरिक प्रेम एक-दूसरे पर उड़ेलते रहें। आभ्यंतरिक Ex:  The main groups living in the interior are the Maroons and Amerindians. उदर Ex:  In the interior regions, channels are received via satellite dishes. उ:   ऐसे में उदर विकार स्वाभाविक ही है। गर्भ Ex:  Its interior and exterior were styled by British-born designer Jack Cooper उ:   गर्भ गृह में फोटोग्राफी करने पर सख्त प्रतिबंध है। भीतर का Ex:  The original early 19th-century interior designs मनोगत Ex:  The interior of the planet remains active स्वदेशी Ex:  Grenada’s interior is very mountainous with Mount St. उ:   स्वदेशी वस्तुओं की प्रदर्शनियां भी आयोजित की।
Interior ki paribhasha : vah sthaan jahaaan se kisi vastu ka ant ho apane desh men utpann ya bana hua tat se snbndh rakhanevaala ya honevaala
Interior synonyms
internal remote intimate domestic private secret gut home inland inner innermost inward visceral within autogenous endogenous in-house viscerous marrow heart substance lining innards soul bosom pith belly midst pulp contents heartland inner parts internals intrinsicality
Interior antonyms
unconcealed exterior external outer public business open revealed outside exteriority
Usage of Interior in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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