Interjection meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Interjection
As noun : अंतराक्षेपण Ex:  at Heart! Elliptical interjection which is used to urge a superior virtue
विस्मयबोधक Ex:  Familiar interjection by which someone is warned not to say anything विस्मयादिबोधक Ex:  familiar interjection by which someone warned not to say anything उ:   ! एक विराम चिह्न है जिसे विस्मयादिबोधक चिह्न कहते हैं। हस्तक्षेप Ex:  Ho! what a blow! Ho! what say me there! When he interjection of surprise or indignation, he sometimes confused with Oh; usually redoubling the उ:   डा. अम्बेडकर के हस्तक्षेप से यह कानून वापस हुआ।
Interjection ki paribhasha : kisi hote hue kaam men kuchh kaarravaayi kar baithana ya baat bhidana
Interjection synonyms
wow amen hello alas boo hurrah ouch ahem oh whoopee hooray shucks er egad golly hey huh jeepers oops phew phooey pooh psst ugh um
Usage of Interjection in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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