Interminable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Interminable
As adjective : अनंतकालीन Ex:  His was an interminable discussion.
अनन्त Ex:  interminable ceremony उ:   प्रत्येक वस्तु अनन्त धर्मों का समवाय है।
Other : बेहद उ:   वह बेहद मेहनती और आत्म मेड इंसान थे।
Interminable synonyms
continuous limitless protracted perpetual eternal long-winded never-ending incessant boundless endless boring ceaseless constant dull everlasting immeasurable permanent timeless unceasing uninterrupted unlimited wearisome long-drawn-out looped day-and-night dragged out interminate no end of no end to on a treadmill spun out strung out unbound
Interminable antonyms
halting intermittent interrupted ephemeral temporary transient bounded finite ceasing ending stopping limited brief terminable
Usage of Interminable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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