Intermittent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Intermittent
As adjective : आंतरायिक Ex:  The intermittent mass extinctions are also important उ:   यह एक आंतरायिक तंत्र के माध्यम से पूरा किया है।
बीच बीच में होने वाला Ex:  The Tijuana River is an intermittent river
Intermittent ki paribhasha : samay samay par uddhrat
Intermittent synonyms
fitful infrequent recurrent occasional periodic alternate arrested broken cyclical discontinuous hit-or-miss interrupted now and then on and off periodical rhythmic serial spasmodic isochronal isochronous iterative metrical rhythmical seasonal recurring by bits and pieces checked discontinuing epochal every other here and there iterant punctuated shifting stop-and-go
Intermittent antonyms
frequent usual permanent continual continuing perpetual constant regular
Usage of Intermittent in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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