Interregnum meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Interregnum
As noun : अंतराल Ex:  After the death of such a king, there was an interregnum of six months उ:   गंगा के मुहाने के सामने हालांकि इन थाहों के बीच बड़े अंतराल हैं।
विचाल Ex:  By extension, After the death of the Doge of Venice, the interregnum was very short
Interregnum synonyms
interruption lacuna letup meanwhile hiatus breather break gap layoff time-out breach downtime coffee break cutoff breathing spell take ten breathing space lull episode halt stoppage rest delay parenthesis wait idyll suspense latency quiescence suspension dormancy abeyance doldrums cessation abeyancy quiescency break-off let-up period comma playtime opening season distance five pausation simultaneously concurrently at the same time for now for the duration for the moment for then in the interim in the interval in the meanwhile hesitation lapse hitch freeze hush discontinuance stillness stopover stay gridlock hesitancy standstill caesura deadlock happy hour rest period time out closure vacation holiday reprieve relief relaxation truce pardon deferment deliverance exculpation ease forgiveness immunity protraction leisure release postponement discharge adjournment moratorium acquittal caretaker government provisional government
Interregnum antonyms
continuation continuity permanence go start beginning persistence action activity closure advance punishment censure sentence hold commencement blame employment
Usage of Interregnum in sentences

The word is used as adverb noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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