Intra meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Intra
Other :
अंतर्वती Ex:  She was given intra venous injection. अंतास्थित अंदजरुनी अबाह्य अभ्यंतज आंतर आंतरिक उ:   अगले २५० वर्षो तक वहाँ आंतरिक सुव्यवस्था रही। आंतरीय आंतारिक दरूनी भीतरी उ:   मकबरे के भीतरी हिस्से में भित्तिचित्रों की सुंदर सजावट है। माँहिलापु माहिँला
Intra synonyms
behind eventually late later next soon subsequently then thereafter ultimately latterly a while later another time at a later time by and by ensuingly in a while on the next day post hoc thereon
Intra antonyms
beforehand previously earlier
Usage of Intra in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. and have more than one meaning. 
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