Inundation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inundation
As noun : एकार्णव Ex:  Its annual inundation
जलप्लावन उ:   इस प्रकार एक पूरी संस्कृति जलप्लावन में समाप्त नहीं हो जाती। बाढ उ:   बाढ शहर के मध्य में एक दुर्गा मन्दीर है। बाढ‌़ सैलाब
Other : आप्लाव Ex:  The Passion Plays were held in the last month of the inundation आप्लावन Ex:  They begin on the north near Wijnegem and the zone of inundation जल प्लावन बाढ़
Inundation ki paribhasha : paani ki baadh jisase aas paas ki bhoomi jal men doob jaay
Inundation synonyms
tide flood torrent
Usage of Inundation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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