Investment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Investment
As noun : निवेश Ex:  This is a good investment . उ:   इनमें निवेश सुरक्षित माना जाता है।
निवेशन Ex:  Li Lu became an investment banker in Wall Street and started his company. उ:   लोहे में नाइट्रोजन का निवेशन भी इससे सुगमतापूर्वक होता है। पूँजीनिवेश Ex:  Spurred by the investment after the 1996 bomb विनीयुक्त धन Ex:  Foreign investment and management are welcomed in Botswana.
Other : इस प्रकार लगा हुआ रुपया Ex:  His investment increased twofold. खिलत Ex:  A good dividend shows the companys investment plans. पूंजीनिवेश Ex:  Capital flight decreased, and foreign investment slowly returned. पूॅजी Ex:  Foreign investment rushed out of the country फायदा Ex:  The economic policies have repelled foreign investment उ:   इसका फायदा कर्ज लेने वालों को मिलेगा। फिराव Ex:  Soviet investment in and support of Armenian industry has virtually disappeared लागत Ex:  With Japanese investment उ:   इसकी तत्कालीन लागत नौ लाख रुपये थी। विनिधान Ex:  A significant investment was made in eliminating disease from the area विनियोग Ex:  Foreign investment comes primarily from China उ:   नियम तथा परिसंख्या विधि, विनियोग विधि में ही अंतर्गत है। विनियोजन Ex:  Restrictions on foreign investment are slowly being dismantled संपत्ति के क्रय आदि में रुपये का लगाना Ex:  Much of this construction is apparently fuelled by investment from France.
Investment ki paribhasha : hindi ya varnamaala ka unnisavaaan vynjan aur tavarg ka chautha varn jisaka uchchaaran sthaan dntamool hai vah kharch jo kisi chij ki taiyaari ya banaane men lage kisi phal ke uddeshy se kisi vastu ka upayog ek sima men, jo adhik ya atynt kam na ho, thaharaana kisi tal ke sab or ke baahari kinaare buri se achchhi dasha men laane ka gun
Usage of Investment in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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