Invigilator meaning in hindi
As noun : अकाउंटेंट Ex:  An invigilator collects the papers from the students.
अधीक्षण कर्त्ता अन्वीक्षक अवेक्षक कार्यदर्शी तत्धावधानक नाचिर निरीक्षक उ: वह तब एक पुलिस निरीक्षक बन जाता है। सितारा मछली स्थायुक
ExamplesInvigilator synonyms
auditor adviser informant supervisor listener director overseer counselor guide watchdog eaves-dropper Usage of Invigilator in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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