Invited meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Invited
As adjective : आहूत Ex:  we invited them ashore उ:   अर्थात- इन्द्र तुम बहुतों द्वारा आहूत तथा सबको नचाने वाले हो।
शब्दित Ex:  India was invited into The Imperial Cricket Council in 1926 संप्रेषित Ex:  Prince Guido Novello da Polenta invited him to Ravenna in 1318
Other : आमंत्रित Ex:  He was formally invited to the party. उ:   सरकार ने वार्तार्थ मास्टर जी के स्थान पर संत को आमंत्रित किया। निमंत्रित Ex:  He invited all the superstar in his party. उ:   अपने यज्ञ में उन्होंने सारे देवताओं को निमंत्रित किया है।
Invited synonyms
urge draw lead propose welcome request woo tempt summon encourage persuade call insist suggest press attract lure court solicit pray bid toll beg ply inveigle entreat countenance allure command entice invitation vamp supplicate provoke issue petition bring on prevail on appeal to give invitation have in have over include as guest send invitation
Invited antonyms
dissuade reject ignore disgust disapprove refuse prevent discourage repel repulse turn off stop disenchant answer oppose
Usage of Invited in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi 
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