Invoke meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Invoke
As noun : आह्वान करना Ex:  Call for help, call for help, Shouting for help, screaming at help, invoke the aid, using someone
हूत होँकारना
As verb : अवलंब लेना Ex:  Low Church Anglicans rarely invoke the Blessed Virgin except in certain hymns अवलंब होना Ex:  If the Senate does invoke cloture अवलम्ब लेना Ex:  The word "war" is used to invoke a state of emergency आमन्त्रित करना Ex:  After a successful invoke आरंभना Ex:  These lines invoke Zeus as one "who rules by law" आवाहन करना Ex:  Japanese do not specifically worship her or invoke her name to ask for help. आहृवन करना Ex:  Action to invoke आह्लान Ex:  By analogy, Poets often invoke Apollo, the Muses and the other deities of Fable आह्वान Ex:  I invoke your testimony उ:   रामायण में राम, रावण से युद्ध के दौरान देवी दुर्गा को आह्वान करते हैं। उतपानना Ex:  I leave you this, I grant you, I grant you, I renounce the supporting, I invoke उत्पन्न करना Ex:  In terms of the scripture, invoke the name of God, the Lord, worship Him and do an act of religion उपयोग करना Ex:  TAKE is built with the preposition to in various specific phrases: Take witness, invoke the testimony of someone summon him to declare what he knows उपानना Ex:  To invoke the clemency of the victor की सहायता लेना Ex:  Votes of saints, prayer that the Saints are to God for those who invoke the चिरौरी करना Ex:  , I appeal to your testimony, I invoke your testimony झाड़ फूँक करना Ex:  By extension, invoke the help, assistance, etc तलब करना Ex:  énos began to invoke the Lord's name धिजावना निपाना बउलाना बुलाना उ:   तथा मेरा निश्चय मनुष्यों को अच्छाई की ओर बुलाना व बुराई से रोकना है। वकारना शुरू करना समाकरण समाह्व समुत्पादन सला से प्रार्थना करना हूत होँकारना होत्रा ह्वान
Invoke ki paribhasha : kisi ko bolane men pravratt karana
Invoke synonyms
conjure beseech pray request beg importune summon entreat implore crave solicit plead supplicate adjure petition appeal to call forth send for apply enforce initiate use implement resort to call in have recourse to
Invoke antonyms
reply give answer ignore neglect
Usage of Invoke in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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