Inward meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inward
As adjective : अंतर्वती Ex:  Our actions do not reflect our inward nature.
अंतास्थित Ex:  She had the inward inclination to help others . अंदजरुनी Ex:  Nature is the outward sign of inward spirit अंदरूनी Ex:  The resulting strong inward winds did not tend to put the fire out उ:   देवी की छवि अंदरूनी गर्भगृह में निहित है। अन्त-आगत Ex:  "the inward Christ", or "the spirit of Christ within". अन्तर्दिश Ex:  Other notable distinctions of his style included the use of inward knees अन्तर्मुख Ex:  He faces outward opposition and unbelief, and inward doubt. अन्दरूनी Ex:  These channels support greater inward current causing further depolarization उ:   रचना की अन्दरूनी जरूरत के अनुसार रूपाकार बदलते हैं। अपनी ओर Ex:  As Jupiter migrated inward following its formation अबाह्य Ex:  PORCELAIN means, in terms of Natural History, a univalve shellfish species, very polite and spotted, the edges are rounded inward and form a longitudinal opening , narrow, serrated on both sides अभ्यंतज आंतर आंतरीय आंतारिक आवक उ:   चक्रवात में आवक का एक महत्वपूर्ण भाग वायुमंडल के सबसे निचले में है। दरूनी दिल में भीतर की ओर भीतरी उ:   भीतरी भाग में रंगमंच की व्यवस्था है। माँहिलापु माहिँला
Inward synonyms
incoming penetrating through inbound entering infiltrating inflowing inpouring confidential hidden inmost inner innermost inside intellectual interior internal intimate personal privy psychological religious secret spiritual
Inward antonyms
outward outgoing public
Usage of Inward in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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