Ipso facto meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ipso facto
As adverb :
कार्य से ही ,घटना से ही Ex:  Celui strikes a priest was excommunicated ipso facto कार्य से ही कार्यत-एव घटना से ही स्वत-एव स्वतः सिद्ध स्वयमेव ही स्वयमेव स्वरुप से ही
Other : तथ्यतः स्वतः उ:   फलवरूप अंडकोष स्वतः ही सूख जाते हैं। स्वयं में
Ipso facto synonyms
actually by that very fact
Usage of Ipso facto in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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