Iridescent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Iridescent
As adjective : अरुष Ex:  the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers
इन्द्र धनुष की भांति चमकीला Ex:  A garden with iridescent flowers are bewitching. चमकदार Ex:  An iridescent opal-like play of color is shown in fine specimens उ:   मोती चमकदार व सुंदर होता है। चितार Ex:  Globule usually a silvery-white, iridescent sheen, which is formed in some shells by extravasation of the substance called Shell चित्रविचित्र Ex:  In terms of optics, it means Give an iridescent hue जगमग Ex:  Sedimentary Geology Land of the secondary era, comprised of three very distinct deposits, iridescent marl, limestone and red sandstone shelly दंतवर्ण भास्वत् मुनीर रंग बिरंगा रंगदीप्‍त रंगबिरंगा उ:   मोर दुसरे पक्षियों की तुलना में बड़ा और रंगबिरंगा पक्षी होता है। लसुप लुकदार विचत्र शफ्फाक सप्रभ सशुक्र
Iridescent synonyms
pearly shimmering lustrous opalescent polychromatic irised many-colored nacreous opaline prismatic rainbowlike
Usage of Iridescent in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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