Irrational meaning in hindi
As noun : अतार्किक Ex:  One of the consequences of the Pythagorean theorem is that irrational numbers
अतिमान Ex:  The Pythagoreans proved that the square root of two is irrational अपरिमेय Ex:  Indeed: beyond being irrational उ: यह एक अपरिमेय संख्या है। असम्मित
As adjective : अचेतन Ex:  He makes irrational statements in the meetings. उ: मानसिक जगत में इसका स्थान अहम् तथा अचेतन व चेतन के बीच माना गया है। अतर्कपूर्ण Ex:  Rational and irrational together are real numbers. अप्राकरणिक Ex:  The constant π is an irrational number अबड़ धबड़ Ex:  It is irrational to fret over circumstances that do not exist अबिबेकी Ex:  The reactions of arachnophobics often seem irrational to others . अयुक्तिक Ex:  Other irrational numbers include . अयुक्त Ex:  The desiderative part and the vegetative part on the irrational side अयौक्तिक Ex:  A real number may be either rational or irrational अविवेकशील Ex:  600 BC, include what may be the first 'use' of irrational numbers. अविवेकी Ex:  Number irrational असंगत Ex:  Quantité irrational ऊरमधूरम ज्ञानरहित तर्क हीन तर्कहीन पाल्लाविक युक्ति हीन विविचारी विवेक रहित व्यत्यस्त सज्ञान रहित साहसकारी
Irrational ki paribhasha : ta kahaaan the? is baalak par akaaran krodh karake kahaaan chhipe the?—sknd vah jo apadh aur jaahil ho ek prakaar ki lnbi ghaas jise praaya: bhaisen hi khaati hain aur jisase unake doodh men kuchh nasha aa jaata hai jisamen sukh duःkh aadi kisi prakaar ke anubhav ki shakti na ho jisaka parimaan na paaya jaay
ExamplesIrrational synonyms
insane crazy stupid incoherent unreasonable preposterous unsound wrong ridiculous absurd unwise foolish aberrant wild loony raving silly invalid brainless delirious demented disconnected disjointed distraught fallacious flaky injudicious mad mindless nonsensical nutty specious unstable unthinking wacky freaky kooky sophistic cockamamie off-the-wall reasonless unreasoning Irrational antonyms
rational sane sensible logical wise reflective stable balanced reasonable sound well realistic responsible smart serious thoughtful Usage of Irrational in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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