Irrespective meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Irrespective
As noun : का विचार किये बिना Ex:  In terms of the Navy, The hull of a ship, the body of a ship, irrespective of the rigging and the mast
As adjective :
का ध्यान किए बिना Ex:  Desire or search of honors, glory, elevation, irrespective of के अनपेक्ष्य Ex:  Without choice, indiscriminately, irrespective
Other : असम्बद्ध Ex:  It includes the equal treatment of all citizens irrespective of race का विचार किए बिना Ex:  In terms of painting, Fixed drawing, Accuracy in representing the contours and anatomical details of the figure, according to a well-formed model, irrespective of color
Irrespective synonyms
heedless regardless inattentive careless mindless discounting disregarding disrespectful impartial
Irrespective antonyms
respectful thoughtful careful attentive cautious partial
Usage of Irrespective in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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