Irritating meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Irritating
As noun : तकलीफ़देह Ex:  Words irritating
As verb :
आदीपक Ex:  She has an irritating habit. उत्तेजक Ex:  These solutions are irritating to the eyes and mucous membranes उत्तेजनशील Ex:  Many users complain about irritating or offensive advertisements as well. कोपकारी Ex:  An irritating question कोपजनक Ex:  It is an irritating futility चिढ़ पैदा करने वाला Ex:  It is not usual in Medicine and in the following expressions: stale involuntary urine flow which is biased by no irritating feeling; Piss blood, pus, blood discharge, pus from the urethra मुहर्रिक संतापकारी संतापजनक संधुक्षण समादापक
Other : छेड़ Ex:  Who of both genders something spicy and irritating
Irritating ki paribhasha : vegon ko tivr karanevaala
Irritating synonyms
disturbing annoying bothersome trying provoking
Usage of Irritating in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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