It meaning in hindi

How to pronounce It
As noun : उहु Ex:  he carried it to extremes
Ex:  she took it philosophically Ex:  she bought it half-price during the sale उ:   इसे विश्व की बी पी ओ राजधानी भी कहा गया है। तइ Ex:  cut it in chunks यह या वह Ex:  Have it on leasehold. वह Ex:  I watched it on tv. उ:   वह तत्वतः वर्ण का अंग नहीं है। वाक्यांश प्रमुखता बताना Ex:  History repeats it Self. विने Ex:  In the end, Max confessed to it . वो Ex:  Will it rain? Mary: I 'spect not . उ:   वो विश्व का आधार है। वोहि Ex:  You're in Dutch quite often, it seems . व्हे Ex:  I was inveigled into doing it .
Other : इस Ex:  I did that, it is integral. उ:   इस ढलुवाँ क्षेत्र को भाबर कहते हैं। चिट Ex:  she lives here, as it were उ:   चिट का केंद्रीय विचार सहयोग पर आधारित है।
It ki paribhasha : .... gaay ke rnbhani ka shabd
It synonyms
attractiveness allure interest enthrallment bait draw endearment tendency gravitation temptation come-on seduction enchantment allurement inducement inclination fascination pull enticement invitation captivation solicitation chemistry courting drawing power glamour pizzazz dazzle flash witchcraft something witchery star quality magic beauty grace spell sorcery agreeableness desirability bewitchery conjuration delightfulness sexiness confidence presence seductiveness sexual magnetism star power aura beguilement hypnotic attraction mesmerism od odyl odylic force personal appeal sexual attraction data processing computerized information infotech
It antonyms
repulsion revulsion discouragement ugliness
Usage of It in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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