Itself meaning in hindi
As noun : अपने आप Ex:  The left party aligned itself with the the ruling party.
निरालम Ex:  `U-Boot`, itself an abbreviation for Unterseeboot . श्र्वज Ex:  In the Soviet Union itself स्वयम् Ex:  Ottawa itself is a single-tiered city उ: स्वयम् आचरते यस्मात् तस्मात् आचार्य उच्यते। स्वयं
Other : अपने को Ex:  The company has got itself into problems. अपनेआप Ex:  The event engraved itself into her memory उ: ये मिली-जुली संरचना अपनेआप में एक आश्चर्य है। आप ही आप Ex:  The kitten hid itself underbrush. आप ही Ex:  calling a meeting is a political act in itself
ExamplesUsage of Itself in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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