Ivy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ivy
As noun : अमलबेल Ex:  A wall covered with ivy
आइवी लता Ex:  gramen Tufts of and ivy cover these old walls एक प्रकार की लता Ex:  Ground ivy, plant family Labiatae, is used in medicine and which the leaves have some resemblance to those of ivy करसनी Ex:  It also says a Rameau greenery, a wreath of ivy or some other sign that attaches to a house to market that sells wine कालीसर Ex:  leaf, branch, crown of ivy गोरक्षतंडुला Ex:  The ivy climbs around trees, winding ध्मांक्षतुंडी Ex:  The ivy is committed to abalone भूमिकंदली Ex:  The ivy is creeping मध्यारिक Ex:  The ivy is the symbol of fidelity to मालूधानी Ex:  The vine, ivy twists around abalone मीरिका Ex:  The ivy is a vine वल्गुपोदिका विद्वत्तापूर्ण मानक वेणयोनि शंखद्रावी शाकोल सरणा सितद्रु सुवालुका हड़गोड़ हरिक्रांता
Usage of Ivy in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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