Jargon meaning in hindi
As noun : अनर्थक वचन Ex: In US telecommunication jargon
अपरिचित भाषा Ex: Each human-animal team is known in military jargon by a "mark" number अपरिचित वाक्यांशों से भरी बातचीत Ex: A barbarian jargon skinned ears गंवारू बोली Ex: jargon grand masters गपड सपड गपड़ सपड़ तकिया कलाम तकियाकलाम उ: क्वीन ऑफ़ हार्ट्स अपना तकियाकलाम "ऑफ विथ हर हेड" चीखते हुए कहती है। वर्ग विशेष की शब्दावली वर्गबोली विशिष्ट शब्दावली शब्दजाल उ: कोर बैंकिंग समाधान बैंकिंग हलकों में इस्तेमाल शब्दजाल है। शब्दावली उ: ऐसी शब्दावली को हटाएँ]।
Other : खास बोली Ex: I do not know what language these people speak, I do not understand their jargon गप शप Ex: This man speaks badly, I do not mean jargon जल्पना
Jargon ki paribhasha : kisi kathan ya rachana men prayukt honevaala shabdasamooh
ExamplesJargon synonyms
patois vocabulary argot idiom vernacular lingo parlance slang lexicon abracadabra nonsense cant colloquialism twaddle bunk speech usage palaver bombast patter banality drivel balderdash fustian gibberish neologism rigmarole tongue insipidity clichã© mumbo jumbo doublespeak buzzwords newspeak slanguage commonplace term hackneyed term overused term shoptalk stale language street talk trite language Jargon antonyms
quiet silence standard sense Usage of Jargon in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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