Jauntiness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jauntiness Examples
Jauntiness synonyms
delight joy glee encouragement optimism geniality merriment solace comfort jocundity gladness liveliness gaiety animation exuberance mirth buoyancy hilarity joyousness hopefulness cheeriness good cheer merry-making light-heartedness sprightliness blitheness ebullience euphoria nonchalance jeu d'esprit merrymaking frolicsomeness friskiness impishness antics vivacity spiritedness
Jauntiness antonyms
sorrow sadness melancholy unhappiness discouragement irritation gloom distress depression gravity seriousness boo woe misery cheerlessness heavyheartedness
Usage of Jauntiness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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