Jaunty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jaunty
As adjective : चटकीला Ex:  He is a jaunty person.
जिन्दादिल मस्ती भरा बाँका
Other : भडकीला रंगीला उ:   इन्होंने पहले रंगीला नामक फिल्म में गाना गया था।
Jaunty ki paribhasha : jisaka svaad phika na ho lohe ka bana hua ek prakaar ka hathiyaar jo tedha hota hai aur jisase baaansaphod log baaans kaatate chhaaantate hain
Jaunty synonyms
impish devilish buoyant carefree rollicking jolly playful jovial perky sprightly breezy airy animated bold brash careless cocky dapper dashing debonair devil-may-care easy exhilarated flip flippant forward fresh frisky frolicsome gay high-spirited hilarious impetuous impudent jocose joking light natty nervy provocative reckless self-confident showy smart sportive sporty spruce trim venturesome vivacious gamesome prankish swaggering
Jaunty antonyms
lethargic depressed serious sad unhappy lifeless
Usage of Jaunty in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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