Jellied meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jellied
As noun :
जेली में पका
Jellied synonyms
gummy pudding sticky viscous glutinous mucilaginous viscid gluey jelled jelly-like heavy impenetrable opaque deep gooey compact firm solid concrete close condensed crowded fixed impervious ossified sloppy turbid syrupy caked clabbered clotted coagulated compressed congealed consolidated curdled gloppy gummous gunky ropy solidified thickened vitrified lump coalesce solidify lopper jellify gelate glop up dry harden concentrate indurate refrigerate freeze gelatinate glob up materialize finalize form cohere crystallize come together take shape slow slacken wane fall off trail decrease falter diminish fail shuffle ebb slouch tarry dawdle procrastinate poke dillydally idle lounge plod tail inch limp tool stay flag hobble straggle saunter retard trudge linger drag stagger loiter hang back put off be behind get no place fast inch along lose strength slow up drag one's feet become firm strengthen reinforce stabilize prop petrify ossify tauten precipitate inflate anneal brace cement tense chill benumb steady candy starch swell enlarge widen buttress add deepen expand grow thick
Jellied antonyms
liquid trivial indefinite diluted watery intelligent unfriendly unsociable sensible wise light easy clear soft understandable loose slack flexible attenuated slight thin uncrowded smart reasonable melt disperse liquefy soften enlarge divide separate dissolve open unclot heat liquify loosen displace remove liquidate grow increase complete hasten hurry raise develop expand run rise finish go push rush advance do tiptoe leave ascend dissuade hinder go up discourage halt weaken unfix abridge decrease lessen subtract water down diminish lower reduce shrink compress contract
Usage of Jellied in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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