Jelly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jelly
As noun : अवलेह Ex:  My mother kept the jelly in the fridge.
गाढा रस जो फल के रस और चीनी के औंटने से बनता है Ex:  The eggs are brown, in a clear jelly and are 1.1–1.4 millimeters in diameter. गाढ़ा रस जो फल के रस और चीनी के औंटने से बनता है Ex:  A chicken jelly जेली सा बनना Ex:  apple jelly जेली Ex:  Cooking jelly species that is commonly with milk, almonds, sugar and fish glue उ:   जेली मछली सीलेन्टरेटा समुदाय का प्राणी है। फलों के रस और चीनी को औटाने से बना गाढ़ा द्रव्य Ex:  Cover with straw or manure for vegetables blanch or ground the foot of a tree to preserve the jelly लह्य Ex:  From staghorn jelly लुआब Ex:  It is said, by extension, a jelly Type composed of sugar, milk, yellow eggs and tea लूआब Ex:  Substance obtained form jelly when treating bones and cartilages of animals with boiling water and allowed to cool the answer ल्वाब Ex:  The cabbage will soften jelly
Jelly ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki videshi mithaayi ya gaadhi mithi chatani jo phalon aadi dvaara chinin ke saath ubaalakar banaayi jaati hai lie jo na adhik gaadhi aur na adhik patali ho aur chaati jaay usi ank se gunan dbaara praapt
Jelly synonyms
preserve mass extract pulp jell gelatin pectin unction balm ointment salve
Usage of Jelly in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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