Jerry built meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jerry built
As noun : अश्रृत
कचा कच्चा उ:   समस्त अनाज कच्चा खाने पर हानि पहुँचाते हैं। कमरंद कषण काँची काच्या कारवी काषण शलाटु
Jerry built ki paribhasha : door door par pad hua taage ka vah dobh jisapar daraji bakhiya karate hain
Jerry built synonyms
cheap defective insubstantial makeshift shoddy slipshod unsound unsubstantial jerry-rigged junky manufacture evolve raise form set up erect produce assemble reconstruct compose fabricate frame contrive carpenter compile cast synthesize fashion forge model sculpture rear engineer bring about put together put up throw up prefabricate fit together jerry-build knock together superstruct throw together shabby dilapidated flimsy crumbling decrepit broken-down derelict unsafe unsteady tottering tumble-down unfirm wobbly feeble fragile frail imperfect infirm insecure precarious rattletrap rocky wavering weak tottery rachitic nervous unstable unsettled jittery shaking tremulous unsure vacillating yielding aquiver quivery tumbledown all aquiver aquake ashake faltering fluctuant jellylike not set quaking rootless tremorous ad-lib basic crude extemporaneous improvised primitive provisional unrefined unsophisticated thrown together wild-and-woolly
Jerry built antonyms
destroy ruin decrease raze disperse scatter demolish wreck dismantle overthrow overturn decelerate halt stop conclude finish neglect separate knock down take down sturdy repaired stable solid sound good nice firm steady unshaky brave confident guarded protected unwavering happy certain secure sure safe strong definite indubious sophisticated
Usage of Jerry built in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi. 
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