Jig meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jig
Jig ki paribhasha : jhatake ke saath ekabaaragi sharir ko kshan bhar ke liye is prakaar oopar utha lena jisamen prathvi ka lagaav chhoot jaay chitt ki umng se uchhalanaa, koodana tatha isi prakaar ki aur cheshta karana
Jig synonyms
stratagem sleight catch jest artifice gimmick sport feat caper deception jape ploy device lark shenanigan frolic imposture dodge maneuver feint antic put-on gag stunt tomfoolery accomplishment ruse subterfuge wile escapade gambol monkeyshine practical joke sleight of hand funny business
Jig antonyms
frankness honesty reality truthfulness honor openness failure
Usage of Jig in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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