Jittery meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jittery
As adjective : आशंकित तनावग्रस्त हैरान उ:   रोगक्षमता की अवधारणा ने मानव जाति को हजारों वर्षों तक हैरान किया है।
Jittery ki paribhasha : shrama, kasht ya jhnjhat se vyaakul
Jittery synonyms
jumpy excitable restless fidgety shaky apprehensive edgy anxious uneasy uptight tense skittish panicky antsy high-strung on edge quivering spooked on pins and needles trembling
Jittery antonyms
collected composed laid-back calm easy-going quiet relaxed unworried cool
Usage of Jittery in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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