Join meaning in hindi
As noun : अंगुलिपर्व Ex: She didnt join the disreputable college despite getting admission.
अंतसंश्लेष Ex: you can lose your identity when you join the army अप्पय Ex: Many tributaries join the sea. कोँपना Ex: The interested people can join the group.. चारबंद Ex: Sorry, I can't join you . छिबना Ex: Ohio, and decided not to join the crew on their voyage. जाइंट Ex: All young East German men had to join the Nationale Volksarmee. जुड़ा होना Ex: Fewer than 18% of Knights join the Fourth Degree, which is optional. जोड़ Ex: It is seeking to join NATO and the European Union उ: इसके अलावा भी कई तरह के संपर्क आदि जोड़ सकते हैं। नियुक्त होना Ex: The right to join a trade union is mentioned in article 23 पदभार ग्रहण करना Ex: The UK chose not to join the euro at the currency's launch परस्पर सहयोग करना Ex: He was later invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. पालती Ex: Fans frequently join in प्रतिवर्धी Ex: Norway had negotiated to join at the same time प्रवेश लेना Ex: It was the sixth province to join the Canadian Confederation. बद्ध होना Ex: The CCF was invited to join the coalition but refused. भर्ति होना Ex: Klingsor had yearned to join the Knights भर्ती होना Ex: Even if players never join a formal group भाग लेना Ex: Olivier intended to join the Royal Air Force भिलना Ex: "I turned my back to them and went back inside to join Vivien. मिल जाना Ex: The Khabur and the Balikh River join the Euphrates in eastern Syria. मिलवना Ex: Texas was the 7th state to join the Confederate States of America. मिलाना Ex: Gauguin agreed to join him in Arles. मेरवना Ex: Senna had wanted join that team too मेराना Ex: Prost decided to join Williams for 1993. In 1995 मेलना Ex: Staffell left in 1970 to join another band योगजफल Ex: Many went on to join the Commonwealth of Nations लगना Ex: Ukraine was invited to join the World Trade Organization on February 5 शाथ देना Ex: Corps membership is not required to join the Singing Cadets. श्लिषा Ex: Goldman wanted to join her sister but their father refused to allow it. श्लिष्टि Ex: Portugal became involved when it refused to join the Continental blockade. संयुक्त होना Ex: 3,000 of the 17,000 Protestant pastors in Germany were to join the movement. संयुजा Ex: Wakka asks Tidus to join the Aurochs in an upcoming tournament in Luca संलग्न होना Ex: Some escaped to join the Byzantine Empire's Varangian Guard सदस्य बनना Ex: In 2004 Cyprus was scheduled to join the European Union समझौता करना Ex: Cyprus left the Non-Aligned Movement in 2004 to join the European Union सहयोग देना Ex: Women may join through undergraduate chapters at a college or university साथ चलना Ex: Germany was not permitted to join साथ देना Ex: Latvia had aimed to join the euro in 2008 सीँवनि् Ex: 3 EU members that will ultimately join the euro सेवाभार ग्रहण करना Ex: Poles then voted to join the European Union in a referendum in June 2003
As verb : अंतभवि Ex: Hes going to join the merchant navy soon. कार्यग्रहण करना Ex: He prodded me to join his gang. जुडना Ex: Refusal to join was punished with a lengthy jail sentence. जुड़ना Ex: King temporarily left Slayer to join Dave Mustaine's new band Megadeth. जोड़ना Ex: Swiss voters agreed by a 55% majority to join the Schengen treaty नौकरी शुरू करना Ex: He also refused to allow her to join Olivier in Pride and Prejudice पद संभालना Ex: Later, Carl Stalling would also leave Disney to join Iwerks' new studio. मिलजाना Ex: McDaniel made her way to Los Angeles to join her brother Sam मिलना Ex: Texas was the 7th state to join the Confederate States of America. उ: ५- पाठ्यक्रम में धार्मिक विचारों को भी स्थान मिलना चाहिए। मिला रहना Ex: In 1796, it became the sixteenth state to join the Union. में शामिल होना Ex: Isaac, Garet, and Jenna, join Kraden in his research of Mt. मेल होना Ex: 67% of the Jewish soldiers deserted, many to join the Irgun. मेलापन Ex: When her brother Eric asked her to join his band शामिल होना Ex: Haider chose not to join the government शामिल Ex: Moldova currently aspires to join the European Union. उ: राज्य में तीन "क्षण" शामिल हैं। संयुक्त करना Ex: Russell could not join the Celtics for the 1956-57 NBA season until December संयोजित करना Ex: Other English rugby football clubs followed this lead and did not join the FA सम्मिलन Ex: Zúñiga encouraged Philip to join the Austrian Habsburgs in the war सम्मिलित होना, जुड़ना Ex: Eventually in 1891 Maria went to join her sister in Paris. सांटना Ex: 1934. Egypt was the last state to join
Other : कार्यभार ग्रहण करना Ex: A new batch of recruits for the Army is going to join tomorrow. सम्मिलित होना Ex: He was also invited to join the Cambridge Apostles
Join ki paribhasha : ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana do bhinn bhinn padaarthon ka ek hona do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana ganit men kai snkhyaaon ka yogaphal
ExamplesJoin synonyms
tie marry accompany clamp incorporate clip lock affix coalesce grapple pair connect conjugate append bracket mix span copulate annex interlace melt adhere attach leash mate combine intermix entwine juxtapose associate couple conjoin cement fuse yoke splice compound assemble knit clasp weave weld wed concrete fasten add link blend put together tie up agglutinate coadunate hitch on lump together slap on stick together tack on tag on follow enlist cooperate enter align enroll consort side with associate with be in come aboard fall in with go to mingle with pair with plug into sign on sign up take part in take up with team up with throw in with tie up with meet reach fringe march extend communicate bound abut rim adjoin neighbor butt hem line skirt parallel be adjacent to be at hand be close to be contiguous to lie beside lie near lie next to open into trench on verge on Join antonyms
loosen unbuckle unlock detach release disconnect disjoin subtract dissociate condense abstain disunite divorce uncouple disperse resign open unfasten divide separate let go sever take away remove part unlink leave withdraw unmix shun avoid stop miss keep Usage of Join in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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