Joint meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Joint
As noun : अंगुलिपर्व Ex:  It was a joint operation of the navy and air force.
अंतसंश्लेष Ex:  She is suffering from joint pain. अड्डा Ex:  The project is a joint venture between India and Russia. उ:   नजदीकी हवाई अड्डा गन्‍नवरम है। अनुविद्ब Ex:  he covered the miter with glue before making the joint अपटांतर Ex:  The repetitive motion inflamed her joint अप्पय Ex:  Our joint venture returned a net saving of five thousand rupees. इजमाली Ex:  They blew the joint about an hour ago . उपसंयत Ex:  Don't put your nose out of joint . उपसंहित Ex:  Bloemfontein is joint home to Premier Soccer League team Bloemfontein Celtic. ऐंढ़ा Ex:  Vincent organized two joint projects in the 1980s. केनार Ex:  He suffered from epilepsy and joint pain गांठ Ex:  The older Rome Ciampino Airport is a joint civilian and military airport उ:   गांठ के आसपास के क्षेत्र में दर्द भी हो सकता है। गुड़ुरू Ex:  Many faculty members have joint appointments at these institutions चउपारि Ex:  This form of butt joint is rarely used in furniture making. चारबंद Ex:  This produces a joint which is much stronger than a चूल Ex:  Loose dowels allow the joint to flex, although it may not fall apart. चोरछिद्र Ex:  When both houses are in joint session चौखंडी Ex:  After one night of joint hacking by Steele and Stallman चौपाड़ Ex:  There is also a joint Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian project चौपाल Ex:  The Congress includes joint committees उ:   चौपाल सामान्य रूप से ठण्डा और मध्यम जलवायु वाला स्थान है। जाइंट Ex:  Other joint committees serve to make advisory reports जायंट Ex:  Bills and nominees are not referred to joint committees. जुड़वाँ Ex:  These two bodies meet together in joint session as Tynwald. जूटि Ex:  There are several joint projects with many other cities जोड़ खाँचा Ex:  IUBMB, to produce a list of joint recommendations on nomenclature. जोड़ पट्टी Ex:  Other committees include joint committees जोड़ Ex:  There are presently two joint committees उ:   जोड़ दो प्रकार से होते है ,धनात्मक तथा ऋणात्मक । जोड़पट्टी Ex:  Congress, on March 10 1866, passed a joint resolution recognizing the transfer. परभावित Ex:  However, a Japanese joint venture, Solomon Taiyo Ltd. पालती Ex:  In September 1999, a joint expedition between Nauticos Corp. प्रतियूत Ex:  The joint Russian and Chinese Phobos-Grunt sample-return mission प्रतिवर्धी Ex:  Kennedy proposed joint programs मगसखाना Ex:  Tool agreed to a new contract, a three-record joint venture deal. मद्यशाला Ex:  CBG is a joint venture मारियुवानायुक्त सिगरेट Ex:  Missouri and participated in a historic joint session". मिलवना Ex:  In 2006 The Abbey's new management pulled out of the joint effort. मिलाना Ex:  'Phase Two' of the joint project मिलाप Ex:  1753, Franklin was appointed joint deputy postmaster-general of North America. उ:   एक बार सौभाग्य से स्वामी चतुर्भुजदास जी से आप का मिलाप हुआ। मेरवना Ex:  Other committees include joint committees मेराना Ex:  " On 26 December 1941 Churchill addressed a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress मेलना Ex:  The Niue noni joint venture operates out of the Vaiea farm यूनाइटेड Ex:  A "Step III" is also being developed in a joint project involving CPP उ:   यूनाइटेड किंगडम एक संवैधानिक राजशाही है। योगजफल Ex:  He maintained a joint appointment with Caltech लोथड़ा Ex:  Some joint committees oversee independent government bodies लोथरा Ex:  Bills and nominees are not referred to joint committees. विदृति Ex:  The results included a joint tour वींखा Ex:  The agreement created a joint commission व्यतिकीर्ण Ex:  When sitting in joint session श्लिष्टि Ex:  A joint invention सँजुत Ex:  be joint account with someone, being in company of interest with someone, and share by half the profits and losses संगूढ़ Ex:  Capsules joint संघिदूषण Ex:  In terms of Masonry, Joint amount, Vertical joint of two stones संधि Ex:  Indices, proof of joint ownership उ:   इस संधि के कारण बुल्गारिया की बड़ी मानहानि हुई। संपृक्त Ex:  It also means Amputate in the joint संप्रपन्न Ex:  It also serves to weaken more or less the meaning of words which is the joint संभेद Ex:  It is also said Forcing a muscle, a joint संयुक्त विचार Ex:  It is necessary that the stones have so many millimeters joint संयुक्त Ex:  It is often the joint with Sain उ:   इनका संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ के साथ सहयोग समझौता है। संयुजा Ex:  It refers equally the Joint, the joint of the hand of fingers सन्निवेश Ex:  It should not man separate what God has joint समेधित Ex:  It uses as little joint with an epithet सम्मिलित Ex:  joint by which the arm joins hands उ:   यह १८९१ में एक शहर के रूप में सम्मिलित किया गया। सह Ex:  joint Leaves उ:   साथ ही हुसैन कुवजेरवाला इसके सह प्रस्तोता बने हैं। सहयोग करना Ex:  joint meeting between two or more people to see, to talk business or any other topic सामूहिक Ex:  MAN, joint with an infinitive or a name by the preposition, usually used to mark, good or bad, What man is capable उ:   शाखाएँ सामूहिक रूप से निकलती हैं। सीँवनि् Ex:  Medicine hip joint disease सेँध Ex:  Surgery Make a bone out of its joint सैंध Ex:  The administration of a state, a province, a joint स‌ंयुक्त Ex:  The hip joint हीठा Ex:  The joining of a province to a state, a joint department to which it is nearest, a court closer to a
As adjective : इजमाली Ex:  They blew the joint about an hour ago . साझे का Ex:  joint stamens
Other : कब्ज़ा Ex:  Curry and Hauser decided to pursue their joint interest in microcomputers and उ:   इसीलिए न्यायपालिका और कानून के पेशे पर पुरुषों का कब्ज़ा रहता है। कब्जा Ex:  He also became joint ruler of Castile with उ:   लखनऊ पर अंग्रेजी सेना का कब्जा हो गया। गाँठ Ex:  A joint staff was also formed गिरह Ex:  A joint programme of the World Bank टुकड़े टुकड़े करना Ex:  Callas staged a series of joint recitals in Europe in 1973 and in the U.S. मिला जुला Ex:  Among the joint projects were two studio LPs शामिलाती Ex:  American forces won by repulsing joint land and naval attacks. शिरकती Ex:  Sudan has suggested that the two countries use joint border patrols सन्धि Ex:  It said, in terms of Jurisprudence, Works and joint care of the husband and wife उ:   दो शब्दों के पास-पास होने पर उनको जोड़ देने को सन्धि कहते हैं।
Joint ki paribhasha : ek shabd jisaka prayog asvikrati ya nishedh soochit karane ke liye hota hai krashn ke ek putr ka naam jisaki maata ka naam maadri tha ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana vah sthaan jahaaan do chijen ek men milati hon maans ka bad khnd jisamen haddi na ho kisi lakadi ka vah patala sira jo kisi doosari lakadi ke chhed men usake saath jodne ke liye thonka jaay logon ke baithane uthane ka vah sthaan jo oopar se chhaaya ho, par chaaron or khula ho mile hue shatruon men paraspar virodh utpann karana ganit men kai snkhyaaon ka yogaphal do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana
Joint synonyms
collective concerted cooperative public united joined common communal hand in hand mutual conjoint consolidated conjunct intermutual elbow seam bridge splice point nexus impingement bend union concourse interconnection tie meeting node swivel junction articulation crux link knot confluence coupling hinge bracket suture abutment bond vinculum hyphen conjuncture tangency copula tavern club bar dive juke joint roadhouse honky-tonk hole in the wall
Joint antonyms
divided uncoordinated separated disjoint single uncombined unshared whole divorce separation line division disconnection
Usage of Joint in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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