Jot down meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jot down
As noun : उरेहनापु Ex:  I jot down the important points during discussion.
लिखना उ:   लिखना सदा से उनका व्यसन रहा। लिखारी
Jot down ki paribhasha : kisi nukoli vastu se rokha ke roop men chihn karana
Jot down synonyms
remark indicate notice mention see view transcribe denote heed clock discern register spot discover dig descry enter catch document distinguish designate take in get a load of get an eyeful pick up on set down write down compose engross indict draft autograph draw up commit to paper inscribe log copy list file report post preserve insert enroll cut chronicle indite enumerate matriculate catalog book tape can video dub tabulate wax chalk up videotape cut a track keep account lay down make a recording mark down put in writing put on file put on paper put on tape tape-record write in minute make a note of note down put on record rewrite create scrawl address print scribble tell ghost formulate author communicate correspond reproduce letter knock off knock out turn out typewrite ink pencil bang out dash off drop a line drop a note push a pencil scriven set forth write up
Jot down antonyms
ignore disregard erase misunderstand neglect overlook lose miss release free let go speak build up compliment praise extract boost flatter withdraw cancel destroy ruin keep stop read
Usage of Jot down in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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