Journalist meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Journalist
As noun : अखबारनवीस Ex:  The journalist was asked to report the proceedings of the function.
जरनलिस्ट Ex:  He brought back the journalist James Fullalove from The Quatermass Experiment जर्नलिस्ट Ex:  He became a journalist for the socialist newspaper, Avanti! पट्रकार Ex:  One journalist heard him say पत्रकार Ex:  She remarked to a journalist उ:   पूर्व में वे पत्रकार भी रह चुकी हैं। रोजनामचा लिखने वाला Ex:  ''Sounds'' journalist Garry Bushell is credited with labelling the genre Oi! संवावदाता Ex:  According to music journalist Ben Myers समाचारपत्र का संपादक Ex:  Derek Mahon was born in Belfast and worked as a journalist
Journalist ki paribhasha : vah jo kisi saarvajanik samaachaarapatr ya patrika ka snchaalan karata ho
Journalist synonyms
correspondent reporter writer columnist press commentator announcer publicist cub hack contributor scribe pencil pusher editor broadcaster scrivener newsperson stringer media person newspaper person television commentator
Usage of Journalist in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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