Joy meaning in hindi
As noun : अँदोल Ex: a joy to behold
अकोप Ex: We had unrestrained joy last evening. अखेद Ex: It is a joy to be with kids. अभीमोद Ex: He kills not for necessity but for the joy of it. अर्थसिद्धि Ex: her mood changed and she was all lightness and joy आनन्द Ex: Tommy leapt for joy because he had won the race . उ: आनन्द ने बिजनेस और फिल्म निर्देशन की पढाई की। उद्धष Ex: Jerome Schurf wrote to the elector: "Oh, what joy has Dr. उहासना Ex: He took more joy in being president of the American Humanist Association. ओक्य Ex: Philip kissed him with tears of joy and said "My son कार्पणी Ex: A joy cannibal ख़ुश करना Ex: A joy, a joy without a future, a joy, a joy that lasted ख़ुशी Ex: AISE is also used as an adjective and means Who feels the joy उ: बहुत से कल्चर इस ख़ुशी के दिन को अपने अनोखे तरीके से मनाते हैं। खुर्रमी Ex: be delighted, elated, intoxicated with joy खुशमिजाजी Ex: Cause of joy खुशायाली Ex: CHRISTMAS, Cry of joy for the birth of the Saviour खुसियाल Ex: Crying joy चित्तनिर्वृति Ex: Crying joy परसन्नता Ex: Demonstration of joy पलहलना Ex: Drink at right back someone one also means drinking a sign of joy of his arrival पसाउ, पसाऊ Ex: Echoes resounded, the air resounded with shouts of joy प्रतुष्टि Ex: effusion of joy प्रसत्ति Ex: Entertainment, recreation, everything is done in a spirit of joy and pure fun प्रसन्न होना Ex: experience a joy transportation प्रसन्नता Ex: experiencing pure joy उ: शहर के आस-पास सैर-सपाटा आपको प्रसन्नता तथा शांति दोनो प्रदान करेगा। प्रह्लत्ति Ex: Fear and joy give thrills फलप्राप्ति Ex: Feigning joy फलसपत् Ex: Fill peoples fear, amazement, joy फलसिद्धि Ex: GAMES, plural, said sometimes in poetry, some allegorical deities that are supposed to chair to gaiety, joy भंद Ex: Give joy म Ex: Give pleasure, satisfaction, joy मनोल्लास Ex: He brought joy to all those who approach मुद Ex: He felt great joy he received the new मुदा Ex: He received me with open arms, cordially, with great demonstrations of joy मोद Ex: He received me with open arms, cordially, with great demonstrations of joy मोदित Ex: He received this news with great joy रीझि Ex: His heart trembled for ease, joy विजयसिद्धि Ex: I apply myself with joy शादमानी Ex: I had the joy of seeing united संतुष्टि Ex: I have had great joy उ: ये सभी अपनी विविध आवश्यकताओं को संतुष्टि हेतु संगठन का अंग बनते हैं। संप्रसिद्धि Ex: I take part in your joy संराद्धि Ex: I will serve you with joy संस्तवान Ex: If I something for your service, I apply myself with joy सफलता Ex: In the shows of the circus and theater, the Romans marked his joy by applauding, clapping his hands उ: इसकी सफलता उनके वित्तीय बोझ को कम करती है। सरुर Ex: It does not feel joy सादान Ex: It has received the proposal with joy सुखोत्सव Ex: It has received the proposal with joy सुम्न Ex: It means figuratively Engage, seduce, put in joy सुरुर Ex: It means, by extension, who expresses the joy स्यूमक Ex: Its air inspires joy स्वभाजन Ex: Large demonstrations of joy ह्लत्ति Ex: Screams, songs of joy
Other : अहो Ex: I was beside myself with joy . आनंद Ex: The smiling children were brimming with joy . उ: आनंद बाजार में हर प्रकार का प्रसाद मिलता है। आनंदित करना Ex: Lily bubbled over with joy . आमोद Ex: We all leapt for joy when we heard the news . उ: सुन्दरी ! मुझे छोड़कर अन्य के साथ आमोद - प्रमोद करो । आहा Ex: She was so happy, she wept for joy . आह्लाद Ex: Sam says he works for the joy of working . उल्लास Ex: I will not dissemble the first emotions of joy on the recovery of my freedom उ: वेदमंत्रों में जीवन के प्रति आस्था तथा जीवन का उल्लास ओतप्रोत है। कल्लोल Ex: A ferocious joy ख़ुश होना Ex: A turbulent joy खुश करना Ex: , Phone Laughing Friday, Sunday will cry, often succeeds sadness to joy in a very short time खुश होना Ex: By extension, Carrying a triumphantly, the dead lift, carry it on the arms to make him honor, show him the joy we see the खुशी Ex: Cris joy or enthusiasm excited by an action or a person उ: जिसके बाद वे खुशी से घर जाते हैं। मज़ा Ex: Having a Mine Rabat joy हर्ष Ex: Movement of joy उ: इतना सुनते ही पाण्डव सेना में हर्ष की लहर दौड़ गयी। हुलास Ex: No laughing for everybody says, speaking of a thing that gives joy to some people, but that makes it difficult to
Joy ki paribhasha : praphullata ya bhay aadi ke kaaran rongaton ka khad hona
ExamplesJoy synonyms
satisfaction comfort humor glee delight elation cheer charm bliss pride amusement wonder indulgence alleviation rapture jubilance gladness gaiety revelry sport transport solace treasure fruition refreshment delectation liveliness animation luxury frolic hilarity treat festivity rejoicing diversion felicity gratification gem prize merriment exultation ecstasy jewel mirth good humor exulting ravishment pride and joy regalement Joy antonyms
sadness melancholy sorrow dislike mourning vocation woe unhappiness depression seriousness misery work discouragement Usage of Joy in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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