Judicious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Judicious
As adjective : ओकूब Ex:  Gandhiji was a very judicious person.
जेहबदार Ex:  A fed book of thoughts, reflections, a work in which the righteous thoughts, reflections abound judicious तीक्ष्णबुद्धि Ex:  judicious critic, severe न्याय सम्मत Ex:  Scholarly, accurate, judicious dissertation न्यायसम्मत Ex:  The healthy criticism, The judicious and impartial criticism पंडावत प्रज्ञाचक्षु प्राप्तभाव बुद्धिमान उ:   वह बहुत बुद्धिमान और एक महान विचारक थी। बुधवान बोधान मगजदार वादि विवेकपूर्ण उ:   इस विज्ञान का विवेकपूर्ण उपयोग करना ही समय की मांग है। विवेकसम्मत हाजिम
Judicious ki paribhasha : vah jo abhiyogon aadi ka nyaay karata ho shrrangaar ras men naayak ka ek bhed
Judicious synonyms
sensible prudent reasonable skillful shrewd thorough cautious sane circumspect rational expedient sober careful considerate astute accurate acute calculating considered diplomatic discerning discreet discriminating efficacious enlightened far-sighted informed judicial keen perceptive perspicacious politic profound quick-witted sagacious sage sapient seasonable seemly sharp sophisticated sound wary well-advised worldly-wise clear-sighted well-judged
Judicious antonyms
indiscreet unrealistic unwise imprudent incautious stupid ignorant rash unsound irrational inattentive foolish hasty idiotic injudicious nonsensical reckless senseless unreasonable careless thoughtless uncareful
Usage of Judicious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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