Juggler meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Juggler
As noun : इन्द्रजालिक Ex:  The juggler is showing tricks with a tether .
छलिया Ex:  It is also said, to similar effect, the wand of a juggler नट Ex:  Making the juggler बाजीगर Ex:  , He does juggler is a juggler, thought of Man who makes the jester in society बाज़ीगर मदारी मारगीर
Other : ऐंद्रजालिक Ex:  A maker of towers, a balancing act, a juggler जंतरी Ex:  It is used as a noun to refer to a juggler Sort, showman, a jester उ:   इस जंतरी के अनुसार नव वर्ष का प्रथम दिन १४ मार्च को पड़ता है। बाजी Ex:  Table engineered arranged table in a manner suitable for running laps of a juggler उ:   इससे वीर बाजी को मावलों का जबरदस्त कार्यकर्ता समझा जाने लगा।
Juggler ki paribhasha : drashy kaavy ka abhinay karanevaala manushy tarah tarah ke adabhut aur aashcharyajanak kraty karanevaala manushy ek prakaar ke musalamaan phakir jo bndara, bhaalou aadi nachaate aur laag ke tamaashe dikhaate hain
Juggler synonyms
warlock enchanter wizard witch shaman sorcerer sear mage
Usage of Juggler in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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