Juiceless meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Juiceless
As noun : ग़ैर दिलचस्प
फीकरिया रसहीन उ:   उसे सारा संसार रसहीन दिखाई देता है। सारवर्जित
Other : विरस
Juiceless ki paribhasha : jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho koi bhi sookhi hui vastu ya padaarth jisaka paani nikala, ud ya jal gaya ho
Juiceless synonyms
dusty arid torrid parched barren bare stale impoverished drained exhausted sear desert bald depleted baked hard anhydrous athirst dehydrated sapped desiccant shriveled evaporated desiccated dried-up droughty not irrigated sapless unmoistened waterless impatient keen inclined hungry greedy anxious eager agog ardent avid breathless burning craving hankering longing yearning bone-dry thirsting appetent cottonmouthed crazy for dry as dust dying for itching for lusting partial to wild for sere
Juiceless antonyms
damp moist wet lively humid soaked soggy watery exciting interesting untiring full unused dripping juicy unconcerned satisfied unenthusiastic quenched
Usage of Juiceless in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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