Jumbled meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Jumbled
As noun : अड़ँगबड़ँग Ex:  the papers were hopelessly jumbled
अव्यवस्थित Ex:  He jumbled up the words while giving a speech. उ:   उत्तरी भारत की अव्यवस्थित राजनीतिक स्थिति में ऐसी विजय असंभव नहीं थी। चलविचल Ex:  Put cloth jumbled in a chest लघुवृत्ति Ex:  There is no order in his room, everything is jumbled लटपटा Ex:  They were all jumbled विलुभित विसूत्र संदिग्घ सम्मूढ़ साबाध
Other : एकमेक Ex:  Older cities appear to be jumbled together
Jumbled synonyms
chaotic cluttered tangled messy untidy disordered unsettled disorganized misunderstood disorderly out of order blurred scrambled disarranged in disarray unsorted
Jumbled antonyms
ordered organized methodical systematic clean neat systematized
Usage of Jumbled in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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