Juridical meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Juridical
As adjective : न्यायिक Ex:  There is no single Anglican Church with universal juridical authority उ:   सम्मन, न्यायिक प्रक्रिया की महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी है।
विधि का Ex:  The Anglican Communion has no international juridical organization. वैधिक उ:   वह वैधिक भी है और नैतिक भी।
Juridical synonyms
argumentative debatable dialectic moot rhetorical polemical dialectical disputative juristic administrative authoritative constitutional discriminating distinguished equitable impartial judiciary magisterial official pontifical regular statutory principled judgelike jurisdictional legalistic justifiable valid authorized permissible proper rightful bona fide canonical due enforced established innocent kosher licit mandated on the level ordained ordered protected ruled warranted jurisprudent vested card-carrying commanded condign decreed enacted enjoined judged jural legalized legislated legitimatized of right on the up and up passed warrantable fair legitimate acknowledged clean granted prescribed sanctioned sound straight contractual allowed chartered enforcible justified precedented sure enough within the law
Juridical antonyms
illegal illegitimate unacceptable incorrect illicit prohibited taboo unlawful wrong invalid
Usage of Juridical in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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