Just like that meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Just like that
As noun : अचांक
अचांका अचांचकं अचानक उ:   अचानक उन्हें अपने पुत्र वेदव्यास का स्मरण हो आया। अचानिक अनघोरी० अनायस आपाततह इत्तफाकन् कजाकार नागहाँ यकबारगी
Just like that synonyms
regularly handily smoothly freely well calmly quickly comfortably simply surely readily competently evenly hand over fist hands down lightly nothing to it piece of cake plainly steadily swimmingly effortlessly conveniently efficiently coolly dexterously facilely fluently like nothing no sweat uncomplicatedly with ease with no effort without a hitch without trouble so hence thusly along these lines as follows in kind in such a way in this fashion in this way like so like this thus and so thus and thus to such a degree
Just like that antonyms
difficultly insufficiently questionably doubtedly dubitably
Usage of Just like that in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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