Justice meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्षदर्शक Ex: obstruction of justice
अक्षपटल Ex: impartial justice is provided to everyone in a secular state. अक्षपाटक Ex: This photograph does not do her justice अद्ल Ex: the starkness of his contrast between justice and fairness was open to many objections अधिकरणभोजक Ex: the Judaic idea of justice अभ्रेष Ex: punitive justice इंसाफ़ Ex: The point about justice landed a blow . इन्साफ Ex: Laws are valid only insofar as they are grounded in justice उ: वैसे इससे पूर्व भी १९८५ में शिवा का इन्साफ बन चुकी थी। औचित्य Ex: Trial level courts are the district courts and justice courts. उ: उसके अनुसार संपत्तिसंचय का कोई औचित्य सिद्ध नहीं किया जा सकता। कदंबकोरक न्याय Ex: Manuel dispensed justice to the citizens कार्रवाई Ex: Cornell's justice system. उ: इनमें बजट, कार्रवाई योजना इत्यादि शामिल हैं। जज Ex: Ghana's principles of freedom and justice उ: जज ने अपना पहला निर्णय वापस ले लिया। जस्टिस Ex: He dissented, and questioned the justice of the award. उ: अक्टूबर २०१६ में जस्टिस लीग का फिल्मांकन समाप्त हो गया। जस्टिस Ex: He dissented, and questioned the justice of the award. उ: अक्टूबर २०१६ में जस्टिस लीग का फिल्मांकन समाप्त हो गया। देशरूप Ex: The chief justice and four justices comprise the South Dakota Supreme Court. धर्मस्थ Ex: It has a chief justice and four associate justices. धर्माधिकरणिक Ex: An interest in social justice was slowly developing न्याय देना Ex: ” He argued that non-whites did not receive justice in the United States न्याय Ex: The fourth longest-serving justice in Supreme Court history उ: न्याय सुधाकर ने इसे अलौकिक धर्म विशेष माना है। न्यायकर्ता Ex: He was the senior justice on the court for an unprecedented twenty-five years न्यायता Ex: 1971. As the longest-serving associate justice न्यायमूर्ति Ex: This includes justice उ: ये विशेष रूप से स्वर्ग तथा पृथ्वी के सबसे महान् न्यायमूर्ति माने गए। न्यायमूर्ती Ex: Consequently, Amun was viewed as upholding the rights of justice for the poor. न्यायमूर्त् Ex: "the idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice न्यायशीलता Ex: Both books deal with the essential role of justice in civic life. न्यायाधीश Ex: A man of justice उ: इसका प्रमुख एक सत्र न्यायाधीश है। न्यायाध्यक्ष Ex: ancient Roman magistrate who administered justice in Rome or who governed a province पिष्टपेषणन्याय Ex: Assessor of justice प्राडविवाक Ex: Be certain that justice will be done विचारपति Ex: By extension, Criminal Record, Set of notes taken by justice on an individual विनिच्चय Ex: Challenging something to justice व्यवहारद्रष्टा Ex: Citation before the justice स्थूणाखनन न्याय Ex: Court Leet was said formerly of Justice was exercised on behalf of the lords, as opposed to Royal justice exercised in the name of King
Other : धर्म Ex: The justice system in Texas has a strict sentencing for criminals. उ: यहाँ धर्म संबंधी पूरी स्वतंत्रता है। न्यायाधिपति Ex: Recently, the sorority has supported the efforts of justice for the Jena Six. शरीअत Ex: commutative justice
Justice ki paribhasha : do pakshon ke vivaad ka nirnay karanevaala divaani aur phaujadaari ke mukadamon ka phaisala karanevaala bad haakim vyavahaar ya vivaad ka nirnay karanevaala vivaad ya vyavahaar men uchit anuchit ka nibatera
ExamplesJustice synonyms
right honesty authority truth integrity charter code sentence correction justness hearing redress sanction litigation decree review impartiality amends penalty evenness equity appeal creed authorization recompense reparation credo legitimacy legality consideration rule compensation rectitude due process legalization judicature judicatory reasonableness constitutionality fair play fair treatment legal process square deal judge umpire magistrate chancellor Justice antonyms
dishonesty falsehood refusal award reward penalty injustice lawlessness partiality unfairness corruption illegality unethicalness Usage of Justice in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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