Justified meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Justified
As noun : तर्कसंगत Ex:  Many have interpreted Plato as stating that knowledge is justified true belief उ:   इस प्रकार, एक तर्कसंगत निवेशक भी अन्य की तर्कशून्यता पर भरोसा करता है।
हेतुमान् Ex:  He justified the charges which his enemies had charged
As verb : न्यायस‌ंगत Ex:  "I think this is justified and I'd do it again tomorrow" न्यायोचित Ex:  Where such structures are not always justified उ:   केवल उसे न्यायोचित कार्य करने को आदेश देता था। महासत्य Ex:  "the end in this case justified the means". मुंसिफाना Ex:  The failure here is justified
Justified ki paribhasha : jisapar achchhi tarah vichaar ho chuka ho
Justified synonyms
rationalize vindicate uphold defend support advocate confirm favor countenance maintain sustain validate condone warrant explain contend claim square alibi palliate pardon crawl verify clear legalize absolve exculpate brief assert excuse acquit approve plead establish rebut exonerate answer for bear out cop a plea apologize for argue for be answerable for do justice to make allowances make good show cause speak in favor stand up for
Justified antonyms
desert deny refuse reject contradict disapprove veto condemn accuse blame damn punish disprove invalidate sentence convict incriminate attack neglect oppose disagree charge
Usage of Justified in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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