Justly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Justly
As noun : ईमानदारी से Ex:  I suppose, could justly claim to be called the ugliest town in the Old World".
As adverb :
न्याय रुप से Ex:  He acted justly न्यायत- Ex:  of both genders who can be justly criticized
Other : न्यायी Ex:  With reason, justly
Justly synonyms
equally honorably rightly rightfully reasonably accurately duly properly honestly correctly legally candidly frankly helpfully moderately nicely well equitably legitimately lawfully decently impartially befittingly beneficently benevolently benignly charitably decorously duteously dutifully evenhandedly fitly piously respectably righteously straightforwardly temperately tolerantly unreservedly uprightly virtuously
Justly antonyms
unfairly unjustly wrongly
Usage of Justly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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