Keel over meaning in hindi
As noun : इनहिदाम
इस्कात उच्छटना खिरना गिरना च्योल ढिँगलाना प्रभंश प्रस्रंस बागना ‡ रक्तस्त्राव रुरना लुड़ना स्खल
Keel over ki paribhasha : aadhaar ya avarodh ke abhaav ke kaaran kisi chij ka ekadam oopar se niche aa jaana niche ka bhaag oopar aur oopar ka bhaag niche karana
ExamplesKeel over synonyms
pass out black out capsize collapse drop founder go down overturn pitch plunge slump swoon topple tumble upset Keel over antonyms
straighten stand Usage of Keel over in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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